Since 2001 I am earnestly
involve with all types of social service work and also struggle with
all kinds of illegal social activities. I am also interested in helping
others? Meeting new people? Making an impact at home, and around the
country? I am also using my time and talents to provide hands-on
assistance to enhance my communities. Through these experiences, I am
also acquire new skills, cultivate lasting friendships, meet challenges
head-on and learn a lot about them in the process.
25 November 2003 – 31 December 2004 |
Chief Organizer &
Director at Voluntary Creative Association. |
volunteer position descriptions • Community outreach to find volunteers •
Screening and matching volunteers to organizational needs and opportunities •
Training and orientation for volunteers • Scheduling and supervision of
volunteers • Volunteer recognition In addition I am also responsible for
oversight and management of the volunteer program, including: • Assessing
organizational need and capacity for volunteers • Creating volunteer program
materials |
01 December 2005 – 31 December 2007 |
Chief Organizer at The
ADEFC Groups |
provide the needful education to the “DROPOUT STUDENTS, SCHOOL LEAVING
CHILDS, AND UNEDUCATED CHILDS” with these provide the needful educational
coaching free of cost to the school reading poor students. |
05 December 2004 – 31 May 2008 |
Secretary at Uddipak
SH Groups |
Help Group (SHG) Movement has been recognized as an effective strategy for
mobilization and empowerment of rural people, particularly poor women and
other marginalized groups. * Increase in overall awareness level about their
status and approaches for development. * Social empowerment in terms of
improvement in their confidence, self perception, communication skill and
other behavioural changes. * Participation in developmental activities
(participation of women SHGs in Gram Sabhas have increased manifold). *
Mobility of rural women has increased for various socio- economic
developmental activities. * Decision making capacity at household level as
well as at community level has increased and become more meaningful. *
Bargaining and receiving capacity of rural women have increased thereby making
socio- economic programmes and facilities more accessible to rural poor. |
December 2007 to Present |
General Secretary Cum
Chief Executive at SHEBA NGO. |
(Socio Humanity Expedition And Blooming Association) is an NGO that aims to
provide people from the country over the opportunity to work in evaluated and
credible villages in India. Programs are selected that best match the skills,
area of interest, expertise, and time availability of the individual, with a
view to strengthen and add value to the ongoing work of India’s social
development sector. We work at the grassroots level on a variety of social
issues like education, health, equal rights, environment, social interaction
and rural development and have already positively impacted the lives of
hundreds of people living in socially deprived circumstances. Many women have
been helped by programs defending equal rights, many children of all ages
have had chances to develop through literacy programs and other educational
activities, many lives have been improved by well-developed health and
awareness programs… Our ongoing investment in our volunteering program will
enable us to effectively and positively keep on impacting the lives of many
of Tripura’s most disadvantaged people. |
10 December 2010 to Present |
Member at Tripura
Human Rights Organization and Member at various National and International
Human Rights Organization. |
a human rights activist I believe and work in order to promote and campaign
for the basic rights and freedoms that humans are entitled to. As a human
rights activist I have bring out the various human rights violation in the
public domain and campaign to restore these rights. On the whole, as a human
rights activist I have involved in a wide range of campaigns like prevention
of hate crimes, prevention of physical torture of convicts, campaigns for
political and civil rights, gay rights and many others and campaign against
the various kinds of human right abuses and bring these issues in the
limelight of the media and the public eye. |
May 2013 to present:
District office Secretary at Tripura Human Rights Organization, North Tripura
(Elected) |
01st April 2012 to Present: |
Regional Coordinator;
EduHeal Foundation |
is a registered International NGO promoted by leading educationists,
corporate heads and media doyens. EHF is actively engaged in searching
talented school students by reaching out to 4000 schools and 6 lakhs students
annually. |
25th May 2013 to Present |
Para-Legal Volunteer
at Tripura State legal
Service Authority (TSLSA) |
PLVs my role is to ensure legal aid reaching all sections of people
ultimately removing the barriers into access to justice. The Para-Legal
Volunteers (PLVs) are expected to act as intermediaries bridging the gap
between the common people and the Legal Services Institutions to remove
impediments in access to justice. Ultimately, the process aims at Legal
Services Institutions reaching out to the people at their doorsteps rather
than people approaching such Legal Services Institutions. |
23 November 2014 to Present |
Founder, My Village-My
Pride |
Village-My Pride is a unique camping to promote the Tradition, Culture and
Lifestyle of the people of Northeast India to the world. Through this camping
we hope that the young people should be expecting to learn more about their
tradition, cultural and heritage as well as leniency and veneration for other
cultures and traditions. |
05th March 2015 to Present |
Founder, Let’s Make A
Smile |
Make A Smile is a cause working to create lasting change in the lives of
children, elderly people and communities living in poverty and injustice.
Let’s Make A Smile serves all people regardless of religion, caste, race,
ethnicity or gender. |
05th March 2018 to Present |
Founder, You Are Not
Alone! |
campaign is dedicated to provide legal assistance to safeguard, nurture, and
empower survivors and individuals who are most vulnerable to become victims
of human rights abuses throughout the Tripura subcontinent. You Are Not Alone
campaign’s primary focus is to end widespread violence against women and
girls, to change societal values and attitudes towards women and girls, and
to install the value and dignity of human rights within villages across the
state. |